WAAKYE (Rice and beans)

Sorghum leaf stalk is added to extract its reddish brown colour, which makes the food look bright and also tasty.

•1000 g rice (unpolished or polished)
•500 g cowpeas (black-eye)
•50 g sorghum leaf stalk
•5 g saltpetre (potash) – optional
•4000 ml water
•Salt to taste 

•Pick foreign materials from the cowpea and wash
•Pick foreign materials from rice and wash to remove stones and dirt (if unpolished)
•Wash sorghum leaf stalk

•Put water to boil
•Add sorghum leaf stalk and saltpetre
•Add cowpea to mixture
•Allow to boil until cowpeas are half cooked, add rice and stir to mix
•Add salt to taste and stir
•Allow mixture to boil until cooked
•Serve hot

Sauce for Waakye
•100 ml vegetable oil
•120 g onion
•230 g tomatoes
•15 g hot pepper
•200 g water
•Salt to taste
•20 g fish powder
•30 g tomato paste
•13 g ginger
•10 g bouillon cube

•Slice onion
•Wash and grind tomatoes, hot pepper and ginger
•Pound dry fish

•Heat oil and add sliced onions to fry
•Add ground vegetables and allow to boil
•Add tomato paste, stir and allow to simmer
•Add bouillon tablet, fish powder and salt
•Stir t o mix evenly
•Cover and allow to simmer over low heat to cook further
•Add chopped onions and allow to cook for 2 minutes and take off fire
